International Journal for Research in Cultural, Aesthetic, and Arts Education (IJRCAAE) – New CfP on “Sensing the Anthropocene”

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The third issue of the peer-reviewed, open access International Journal for Research in Cultural, Aesthetic, and Arts Education (IJRCAAE), edited by the UNESCO Chair in Digital Culture and Arts in Education, will focus on “Sensing the Anthropocene: Post-digital Entanglements in Culture, Aesthetics, and Arts Education”.

Potential authors are invited to hand in a proposal of 300 words plus a list of relevant references and a short author biography of 100 words by April 30, 2024. Further information on the peer review process and the submission of proposals can be found in the call.

And one more important information: Contributors will not be asked to pay for submitting proposals or publishing accepted articles. The APC (Article Processing Charge) will be covered by the UNESCO Chair in Digital Culture and Arts in Education.